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UGA Staff Competency Model


University Human Resources has been undertaking an initiative to create a UGA Staff Competency Model since Fall 2018.  After development of the competency model with input from staff and other partners across the University, five core competencies and two leadership competencies were identified as follows:


staff compencies


University human resources is committed to integrating competencies as the foundation for its key processes including:

Using competencies to outline job expectations for a staff member’s current position within each BCAT classification;
Design training opportunities to target a staff member’s competency needs; and
Create a performance management system and process where managers and staff speak the same language throughout campus.

Specifically, UGA Orientation for New Hires and Staff Professional Development will begin to weave the seven competencies across the entire Talent Lifecycle of a staff member beginning in Summer-Fall 2021.  In Fall 2021, University HR will also begin work with partners across the University to develop a new performance management system. 


Talent Lifecycle Path and the Staff Competency Model


staff compentency cycle




Introduction to the UGA Staff Competency Model