Competency Model +
With the support of senior leadership, the University’s Central HR team is undertaking
a very large and complex assignment to revamp UGA’s position management and classification
policies. The UGA Staff Competency Model Initiative encompasses two major efforts:
1) analyzing and identifying the key tasks that must be performed in a given position;
and 2) defining the critical behaviors and characteristics to successfully perform
in a particular role—more specifically the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other
Characteristics (KSAOs) it takes to perform well in a job.
Defining Staff Professional Development+
Develop a common definition for staff professional development across the University.
- Ensure staff professional development is acknowledged as a University priority. The
following offer potential opportunities to instill this priority:
- Revisit the university’s vision, mission, and values statements;
- Mandate professional development as a core element of any unit’s strategic plan;
- Cite “people” as the strongest asset of the university;
- Include a budget for staff professional development (e.g., onboarding, grant funds,
- Require staff professional growth plans as part of the annual review process.
- Create a broad policy that will allow staff in good standing to participate in a certain
number of hours for professional development monthly or annually.
Engage & Learn Week+
Engage & Learn Week is a series of personal and professional development opportunities
designed to enhance, elevate, and celebrate the incredible work of UGA staff. Engage
& Learn Week will offer a variety of synchronous and asynchronous events and programs
at no cost to staff and developed to meet the needs and interests of UGA staff from
every functional unit.
Expert Bench+
Create an Expert Bench among UGA faculty-staff led by Training and Development who
can assist with providing staff professional development offerings (i.e., leverage
existing expertise within schools-colleges-PSO).
Grant Program+
Further invest in staff by establishing a Staff Professional Development Grant Program
housed in the President’s Office, for staff or mangers to apply yearly for funds to
support developmental opportunities; with a minimum of 10 awards to be decided by
a special committee.
Managers Toolkit+
Operationalize staff professional development into all units, by giving managers
a toolkit that will assist them in being more intentional about offering staff professional
development in both technical and durable or “soft” skills.
Professional Education Portal (PEP)+
Fully implement the Professional Education Portal (PEP) as defined by the PEP Task
Force Recommendation to:
- Expand focus of the program from compliance-based training to supporting and promoting
professional development across the enterprise
- Appropriately align resources within Human Resources to manage the program for all
of campus
- Create a multi-tiered model with stakeholder inclusion, necessary administrative roles,
prerequisites, onboarding processes and requirements
Revitalization of University Priority+
Ensure that the success and development of our staff is set as a priority across
the university by highlighting the importance of these programs and all staff professional
development across the UGA community.
Staff Life Cycle Framework+
Launch the Engage & Learn beginning with infusing the new Staff Life Cycle framework
into all units’ human resources practices. This framework ensures that staff begin
on the right foot and have professional development support throughout their entire
career at UGA. At a minimum, the program will address onboarding, a mentor program,
professional growth plans, professional development opportunities, talent management
and exit interviews.