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Engage and learn

Staff Life Cycle Framework 

After conducting an environmental scan, researching best practices in higher education, and gathering data on available University resources, the Presidential Task Force on Staff Professional Development proposes to launch the Engage & Learn initiative, which can be categorized into two primary areas for staff: Creating a Learning Culture and Structuring Developmental Opportunities.

Engage & Learn is an initiative grounded in shifting the organizational culture at UGA such that there is a stronger emphasis on the importance of continuous learning for professional development and performance improvement for staff throughout the life cycle of each staff member. Likewise, the Engage & Learn initiative will align, design, and support professional development for all staff through internal and external means.


The launch of Engage & Learn will begin by infusing the new Staff Life Cycle framework into all units’ human resources practices. This framework ensures that staff begin on the right foot and have professional development support throughout their entire career at UGA. Below is a model representation of what each staff member should experience throughout their job span.

Staff life cycle



Implement a revamped onboarding experience for new staff that would promote the array of staff professional development opportunities at UGA.

Mentor Program

A staff mentoring program where staff can seek out individuals, or be assigned a mentor, who can assist them in their current role.

Professional Growth Plan 

Each year the staff member will create a professional growth plan that lists desired learning/growth areas and goals for completing professional development that touches those areas.

Professional Development Opportunities 

Staff will be able to view internal professional development opportunities in one web-based location.

Talent Management 

Broad guidance will be provided to all units about the importance of staff professional development and view faculty and staff as the University’s most valuable resources that can continue to advance throughout their career.

Exit Interview 

When any staff member transitions out of their job, they will complete a survey and in-person exit interview to understand more about their experience in their position. This data will be collected with the intention to enhance job experience for future staff.